Spanish in Nature

spanish in nature

Discover the nature of Spain and its natural wonders with excursions and Pyrenees family vacations

Ordesa and Viñamala Biosphere Reserve

Because you love nature and want to experience it firsthand:

– Let yourself be observed by the majestic birds of prey.

– Inhale the pure and fresh air of the snow-capped peaks during Pyrenees excursions.

– Relax with the melodies of birdsong over the sound of the river and grazing herds.

– Savor the finest Pyrenean delicacies.

In a place where the beauty of its rocks, forests, and lakes meets the traditional architecture of its typical mountain villages.

A paradise for nature lovers and excursions and Pyrenees family vacations

Would you like to explore the wildest mountains, immerse yourself in a magical beech forest, and visit incredible natural landscapes?

Well, I think you’ve found what you were looking for. Excursions and Pyrenees family vacations!

And if, in addition, you are looking for a Pyrenees family vacations and a responsible journey, allowing you to discover the most natural Spain while contributing to its development and conservation.

This is your ideal journey in the Aragonese Pyrenees with children.

What do I propose to you?

Pyrrenean Orchids

Among the thousands of plants and flowers that we can find in the Pyrenees, there is a particularly admired genus: orchids. In the meadows and pastures of the Pyrenees, we find more than 60 species of orchids. Would you like to get to know them?
Half-day activity. Late spring and summer.

Pyrrenean Birds

More than two hundred bird species soar through the Pyrenean sky: woodpeckers, blackbirds, tits, finches... but also vultures, Egyptian vultures, bearded vultures, eagles, and kites. Discover ornithology in the Pyrenees and let yourself be observed by majestic birds of prey. Half-day activity. Spring, summer, and autumn.

Nature on Horseback

An impressive horseback route that passes through the beech forest of Betato to reach the stunning Ibon de Piedrafita, a glacial lake at the foot of Peña Teleran. An idyllic place where we can spot a multitude of scavenger birds, marmots, deer, foxes... Half-day activity. Spring to autumn.

Susín, Natural Ecomuseum

A walk to discover the history and life of a Pyrenean town, which after centuries of life, had to close its doors for years due to the depopulation phenomenon. As time went by, its doors were reopened for all who wanted to come to it and admire its beauty. Half-day activity. All year.


​ 324 / 5.000 keyboard Resultados de traducción Resultado de traducción The walkways in the Pyrenees are an exciting way to experience nature. These elevated structures offer unique perspectives of the mountain landscapes. Crossing them provides a feeling of adventure while walking through the valleys and rivers, allowing an unparalleled connection with the beauty of the Pyrenees.


The viewpoints of the Pyrenees offer unparalleled perspectives of this spectacular mountain landscape. Strategically located at high points, they allow you to admire the majesty of the peaks, valleys and forests. They are perfect refuges to contemplate the natural beauty and capture the scenic grandeur of the Pyrenees in their maximum splendor with a Pyrenees family vacations.


The ibones, or mountain lakes, are natural treasures of the Pyrenees. Located at high altitudes, these bodies of water reflect the majesty of the surrounding peaks and provide an oasis of serenity amidst alpine landscapes. The ibones are popular destinations for hikers seeking the quiet beauty and freshness of the high peaks.

Witches' Forest and Medicinal Plants

Medicinal plants are treasures of nature that have been used for centuries in various cultures to treat and alleviate ailments. These plants have healing properties and have become the basis of herbal medicine. Its wide variety, from stress-relieving chamomile to energy-boosting ginseng, demonstrates nature's potential to heal and improve human health.

Orquídeas del Pirineo

Entre las miles de plantas y flores que podemos encontrar en el Pirineo, existe un genero especialmente admirado, las orquídeas. En los prados y pastizales del Pirineo encontramos más de 60 especies de orquídeas. ¿Quieres conocerlas?
Actividad de media Jornada. Final de Primavera y Verano.

Aves Pirenaicas

Más de doscientas especies de aves sobrevuelan el cielo del Pirineo: pájaros carpinteros, mirlos, herrerillos, pinzones... pero también buitres, alimoches, quebrantahuesos, águilas, milanos. Descubre la ornitología en el Pirineo y déjate observar por las grandes aves rapaces. Actvidad de media Jornada. Primavera, Verano y Otoño.

Naturaleza a Caballo

Impresionante ruta a caballo que transcurre a través del hayedo Bosque del Betato para llegar al imponente Ibon de Piedrafita, un lago de origen glaciar a los pies de Peña Teleran. Un lugar idílico en donde podemos avistar multitud de aves necrófagas, marmotas, corzos, zorros...Actividad de media Jornada. Primavera a Otoño.

Susín, Ecomuseo Natural

Un paseo para descubrir la historia y vida de un pueblo pirenaico, que tras siglos de vida, tuvo que cerrar sus puertas durante años a causa del fenómeno despoblación. Con el paso del tiempo sus puertas fueron reabiertas para todos los que quisieran acudir a él y admirar su belleza.Actividad de media Jornada. Todo el año.

What we offer?

Personalized attention

Pyrenees family vacations and responsible trips with total immersion in the destination

The best hotels or private accommodations

Transfer, activity tickets, visits to natural and cultural places, adventure and activities guided by locals for a Pyrenees family vacations

Tasting of typical regional products, gourmet experience

Sports and adventure activities with the best accredited guides

Happy Spanish Travel travelers!

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A fabulous week: We stayed from August 2 to 8 with our two-year-old daughter. We have spent some great days, in a very nice hotel, with areas to play with the children and spectacular views of the mountains. The breakfast was very correct with local products and a very delicious natural orange juice. At dinners, everything was very tasty (the waiter was very friendly). The Mini club is very correct, we have had a great vacation and Delia is very majestic, with a lot of patience. Delia was our guide, and she knew how to adapt perfectly to our family vacation.
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Sallent, a beautiful town with a guide, Delia who does justice to everything it deserves! Thank you very much, I recommend it 100%!
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Perfect place to visit with children. The hotel has an ideal location for visiting the Pyrenees and has all the necessary facilities and services to do so with children. The family room we had was spacious enough and had a large terrace with wonderful views. Also, the place was pretty quiet, especially at night. Breakfast was very good and plentiful in terms of variety and quantity; The cleanliness of the common areas and rooms was very good. The best: our little ones have really enjoyed it there, thanks to Delia, with whom, in addition to playing, they have done activities and crafts.
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Great visit this afternoon to the city of Sallent with a perfect guide. Enthusiastic and very well documented, she has made the trip very pleasant. Totally recommended, thanks Delia!
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Our guide, Delia, has taken us from the beginning of Sallent's history to the present day. A beautiful visit to the town and its history, in which she has made us participate. It is recommended to know the history of this beautiful town.
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We loved our tour of your charming historic city today! It was very informative and you clearly had a passion for the history of the city. Thank you!
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Excellent visit to Sallent de Gállego thanks to a magnificent guide, Delia, with whom we have been able to learn about the history of a town with a lot of magic. Highly recommended.
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Magnificent visit by Delia to the town of Sallent de Gallego. Explaining her story in a pleasant and fun way.